Mahabharata Book In Tamil Pdf

The Mahabharata is a vast Indian epic, which is the longest piece of literature in the world. It has been translated into numerous languages and composed in various formats, from song to ballet. It has been described as the longest poem ever written and contains 100,000 couplets or ten times that of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey combined. It also holds a place in Hinduism as one of their central sacred texts. In Tamilnadu, there was never any book published with this epic until now thanks to author Kavita Sivakumar who's made it available for free download on her website www.satyarajapuranam. com The first part of the book is released and will be available for free download and you can read or download from In the second part, the story of Karna, birth of Kunti, Krishna's birth to Yashoda, Abhisheka to Yudhishtira, Drona's training period with royal children and Draupadi's swayamvara are all described in detail. The birth of Bhima, Arjun and Nakul children are given too. The final chapters cover about Kurukshetra War in detail with a brief description about how Pandavas went to exile for 13 years after war ended. After publishing this book, author is now busy preparing the book with the whole epic as per the existing translation of foreign translators such as Goldstein and Davis. The book will be complete with all 100,000 couplets in 5 volumes and 80 chapters cumulatively. The author is also working on a Tamil version of Mahabharata which will focus more on events related to Tamil Nadu, she said. She also said that she was going to release a new translated epic of Ramayana shortly along with Mahabharata. She said the epic of Ramayana doesn't have any subject other than events relating to South India and has been translated from English into Tamilnadu. The author is now looking for a publisher for her upcoming books. Book available now on All the 200,000 couplets are written in Tamil language

The epic composed by 100,000 couplets in 5 volumes is going to be published after a few months by a major publishing house, a release said here today. The books will be available in bookshops. They will also be made available at subsidized rates for students, the release added. The books will be published in English, Hindi and all other Indian languages. The author has taken the help of several experts to complete the task of translation into other Indian languages, it said.

The author has already completed its first phase of publishing 10,000 couplets which is available on her website .


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